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Posted by Su! in Uncategorized.
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bb20.jpg [/edit] i edited the post coz as much as i want to tell the world of the injustice that happened,The cyberpolice laws arent very compromising. and i dont want to go to cyber jail. XD]

Continues from the last post.PS: this post contains a lot of self-praising,so please dont hate me if i say too much ‘im so proud of myself..’ sentences. XD!

Day 4.

From Wulin,we got ready to climb the mountain.Before we did though we had to climb to this waterfall as a warmup.Whilst climbing to the waterfall,it felt more difficult than the past trainings so i was kinda worried.I guess its because i had so much fun the past 3 days i forgot about the tiring part.But thank god i walked with Husna,rebecca and that plastic fantastic derrick who entertained me with his plasticity. HEH : D after we reached the waterfall which was WOAH,and took pictures etc etc we went back down.Me and husna had a long discussion on minah’s and the malay community and what was happening to it. ROFL. than from the waterfall we went to eat our scrumptous ‘lunch’ at this picnic area.it was fun bbqing,i enjoyed it! the halal people too.Whereas oppa was busily munching the pork chops we were grilling our veggies. : DD vair fun!

than the scary part came.we went to the gate of the mountain trail,the ranger’s station.We watched this opening video and they said many scary stuff and nerves started kicking in.ESP when they mentioned the bears.I wanted to run home.But i psychoed myself to think that it was winter and bears would be hibernating.After praying for a few times we went up the mountain following our porter XIAO HEY(?) who is my hero.ill dedicate this part to him.XIAO HEY is my hero because he is awesome and doesnt need a walking stick or water whilst going up and down the mountain and he goes at our pace and is vair vair caring and gentle ! and he’s superman coz he carried my bag down crying slope when i has an attack whilst going down. i think i couldnt have done it without him. seriously.So we made our way to Cheeka hostel which is 2km away from the ranger’s station. it might sound short but its not because you go up and down and up again.every 0.1 km they have this wooden mark.And i think all of us felt instantly happy when we say a wooden block.i was right behind xiao hey so i wasnt that tired coz his pace is so suitable : D! once we reached cheeka it was about 7pm.so we had dinner in the freezing cold. it was about 5-7 degrees at night. we went to sleep at 8pm and woke up at 2. but sadly i couldnt sleep and only did after i forced down fedac tablets down my throat.It was then when i felt that i missed home the most coz it was so cold and eventhough how much i tried i couldnt sleep. You know if you cant sleep your mind wonders to things you dont want to think about.Yeah,i started thinking about falling and dying, freezing to death,not being able to go home etc etc. so it was pretty hellish for me the first night. After we woke up and started to set off for the next hostel i was feeling better because i kept telling myself ‘tmr this will all be over!’ but soon after we started climbing my motivation faded coz i was so tired.I just kept telling myself a little bit more.but when that failed i just practically murmured all the prayers i know and started praying.we climbed for about 7hrs before reaching 369 hostel.we passed the crying slope which i found wasnt that bad coz i kept focusing on this tree on top of the crying slope.then we watched the sunrise which was ‘phowar.’ then we walked andc walked until we reached 369.

this is where i get angry.So after we went to 369 we rested for 30 mins before going for the summit climb.Despite being scared by mr soh regarding how tough the climb will be i wasnt deterred coz i wanted to go reached the peak(VERY BADLY!) then he divided us into two groups slow and fast and i was put in the slow group coz yeah,my pace is slower.i didnt mind coz i knew my pace.the slow group had me,shaunice,husna,oppa,shiling&xiaozhou. mr soh and mr nirav would be following us.mr soh said that the slow group will go until we cant go anymore then turn back.but the 6 of us were very VERY determined to go to the summit so we told them we wanted to. then we started walking at this okay pace. but like mr soh kept on wanting to take pictures. -.- the injustice occurs here.[/this part was taken out\]And we had to be victims of their lazyness.Try being in our shoes,it sucks doesnt it?

thank god though we fastened our pace no matter what they said and caught up with the first group. we were allowed to transfer to the first group so that we could reach the top. I think being able to do that was even happier for me than reaching the summit. We were very very very happy back then.i think it  was the best part of my trip : DD and after walking through a path that we thought wasnt going to end for 2 more hours we reached the rock.(summit) although i was overcame with euphoria it was way way too cold for me to do anything but eat that nice piece of cake.seriously.the wind kept blowing like nobody’s buisness and i was shivering likewise. we walked through very thin air and even the people i considered fittest like chin rong and derrick were starting to have problems so i am very verY VERY PROUD OF MYSELF for reaching the summit. really proud. : DDDD after we went back down 369 and i had a nightmare in the toilet,we slept.this time i slept peacefully coz i was too tired to think about any horrible things. : DD

DAY 5.

We went down the mountain quite smoothly eventhough i did have trouble in the beggining and xiao hey had to carry my bag.I LOVE HIM! : DD it actually took quite a short time to climb down.But your feet hurts more coz your soles are being impacted by the rocks.after we reached the ranger’s station,i swear i wanted to cry coz i was alive :DDD then the bus driver drove us all the way down the mt as fast as possible coz typhoons were coming.it was pretty scary because from our windows we could see the soil erosion and the road railing were being eroded very fast too. very scary.but at that point of time i was just relieved i went down safely.i didnt even mind the constant karoake contest they were having in the bus. for i slpt like nobody’s buisness. : DDD

1278 words nehh. will continue later. i am tired of typing >.<~!