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Beggin’ yooooou~ November 30, 2008

Posted by Su! in Uncategorized.
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8c2ce27baff98fdfebb9a3da707eb0cf1227447239_full>mini bae + boss. I think Boss pwns all chihuahuas. even paris’s one!
I was too tired to blog yesterday.i was out the whole daay watchin bboys at square2. It was my first time laah yesterday(when theyve been here for 2 whole weeks!)and i totally get the bboy hype everyone’s been in to.because i feel a lot of bboy love now okay.A LOT OF LAST4ONE LOVE. and i dont even know nuts about bboying! but i know a lot on enjoyment,and these bboys bring me MUCH ENJOYMENT.MUCH MUCH MUCH ENJOYMENT! first,their bboy skills totally own okay! the first show i watched at vivo that time i was awed,srsly, awed to the maximum core! yeah that kind of; hold-your-breath-in-awe kinda awe! i was expecting to be awed yesterday too since its the same crew;LAST4ONE! but different units so it meant different people.and i wasnt dissapointed(who could be?) because damn they pwn.i dont have one specific bboy that i like(yet) but i like like like Poppin’ Q because his the almighty 여자 킬러,as jongin’s almighty board says! and bboy stone because he’s adorably cute & his nobody dance ❤ and bboy lip coz he touched my hands twice!(MUAHAHAHA) and bboy taiyo coz he’s engrish owns! oh and leety because me and huiting was screaming his name like nobody’s business and he only realised at the end of the show!

aand i had super fun singing random bb songs on the 3rd floor rest area. and dancing to 10점 만점에 10점 everytime it came on and claiming TAECYEON AS MINE(because he is) and saying goodbye to cyndi coz she was leaving to indo D: GEEZ,IM GONNA MISS CYNDI T_T

then today the whole family went to ustaz’s wedding. we reached just in time for the bride/groom to come. yeah,and the whole banging drums troupe too. i dont know,as much as im happy for ustaz for finally getting married,i dont appreciate the loud banging music.Maybe im still too young to ‘enjoy’  or heck,even fully understand customs.i dont see the point.in my opinion,id rather have bboys performing for my wedding. now that’d be ‘off the shizzle!’

and now my nose is running like a tap because i drank some blueberry (artificial colouring shit) at the wedding.

WORD! dont mind me and all my urban diction now.im immersing in gangstaa lingo these days. junsu and sheena from antm influence BWAAHAHAHAHA.